Make-up model worker ColourPop came to grab the money again, and Liby has also made make-up!

Classification: COMPANY NEWS

Time:2020-12-03 17:21

The fresh "beauty" has long been known.

The double eleven shopping cart has been emptied. How many people in the last payment stayed up late to find out that they had bought tickets for men, parents, cat owners, seven aunts and eight aunts, but they forgot to place an order for themselves... .

Don't worry, I missed double eleven and double twelve.

Look at these below, maybe you will find

——The shopping cart can never be filled up or cleared...

Key words

"New Product" "Limited Edition"

Model worker ColourPop is new again

"As long as I work hard enough, your consumption speed will not catch up with me."

This sentence is used to describe our colorPop, a model worker in the beauty industry.

Let me give you a popular science on ColourPop first. ColourPop is the most popular open-shelf makeup brand in the United States. It comes from Los Angeles and was founded in 2014 by beauty incubator SeedBeauty.

At the beginning of its establishment, ColourPop has been sought after by many young beauty enthusiasts with its rich colors, unique product textures and low prices (eye shadow and lipstick are only $6 each), plus beauty bloggers and amateur consumers. With the vigorous promotion of readers on social media, the discussion of ColourPop has remained high.